If you already have yourself a sweet little surround sound setup for your PS3, then this post isn’t really for you. If, however, you just can’t stand your TV’s flat sound when gaming or watching a flick then it might interest you.
High Key Finance: Thomson Reuters Eikon Tokyo Street Campaign
Out to today to take some shots of our Thomson Reuters street team in action at Tokyo station. We’re promoting the new Eikon financial product with chances to win a seat on the eco-friendly new vehicle that will vie for the land speed record in reaching the South Pole in December. And one iPad.
Kick Out The Spams
I’m really sick of spam.
Not the man-up-Viagra-adult-friend-finder-banker-in-Nairobi-discount-luxury-watches kind of spam. I mean, I hate that, too but I have pretty much eliminated it from my life with a series of good spam filters, junk email rules, and just plain being cautious with my e-mail address. No, the spams I am talking about are the unwitting ones. The ones from the people who don’t think they are doing it. Or worse – just don’t care.
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