April 20, 2018: Abe and Trump in Florida, immigration center hunger strike, sex scandals and more.

In this week’s episode: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is still looking for assurances from President Trump, immigration center detainees launch hunger strike in Ibaraki Prefecture, two politicians are brought down by sex scandals and in major league baseball, Shuhei Ohtani’s electrifying start with the California Angels and more news from Japan this week.
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7D Magic Lantern Time-Lapse

ML Yokohama TIme-Lapse StillI finally put Magic Lantern on my Canon 7D after humming and hawing about it for over a year. So today on my way home, I stopped off at Zou-no-Hana Park to take a quick, unplaneed timelapse.

The main reason I wanted to put Magic Lantern on my 7D—apart from some audio capabilities for shooting video—was the intervalometer function. It seems like a function that should be commonplace on any camera better than a point-and-shoot—especially a higher-end DSLR. It’s really just a timer that allows you to set intervals to take photos automatically—for example, one shot every five seconds—without having to press the shutter. YOu can buy intervalometers at Yodobashi Camera (or online at Amazon, BH, etc.—for $40 to $160, depending on what your after. On the low end they are just basic timers that plug into your cameras input while the higher spec ones are wireless (so there is nothing hanging from the camera body) with an array of funtions. The beauty of Magic Lantern is that once running on your Canon DSLR (it supports models 550D, 50D, 60D, 5D etc.) it adds an intervalometer!


Yokohama Time Lapse

Yokohama Bay Time Lapse Still

Yokohama Bay Time Lapse Still

I decided to try out the new Time Lapse feature in iOS 8 today. Rather simple really: set the phone (in this case, my iPhone 5) in a clip that attaches to a tripod, choose your subject, open the Camera app and select Time Lapse and press the big, red button. Then I went inside and did something else for about half an hour. Result after the jump… [Read more…]

Diamond Princess

Diamond Princess in the port of Yokohama, Saturday, September 27.

Our new place in Yokohama has a view of the port and Osanbashi Pier, the international passenger terminal. It receives ferries cruise ships from all over the world like the Queen Elizabeth, Celebrity Millenium and regularly has Princess Cruise liners that traverse from Yokohama to cities up and down the Japanese archipelago and in China, Korea and Russia. [Read more…]

Apple Juice

Suntory Strong Zero Double Apple Chu-hai

Maybe it’s just coincidence, but the latest libation available in Tokyo’s convenience stores is the Suntory Strong Zero “Double Apple” chu-hai. With the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus just released last week, this might be a genius move on the Suntory marketing team’s part—though I highly doubt it. [Read more…]

Café Soul Tree

Coedo draft beer at Cafe Soul Tree

Coedo draft beer at Cafe Soul Tree

A few weekends ago we went to a new restaurant in Futako Tamagawa along the Tama River called Cafe Soul Tree. Styled after an old Route 66 garage, they have a BBQ outside on their deck, a very spacious concrete and vaulted ceiling decor and Coedo craft beer on tap (one of the few places in Tokyo that do). [Read more…]

PlayStation 3 Sound Bar

Sony PS3 SoundbarIf you already have yourself a sweet little surround sound setup for your PS3, then this post isn’t really for you. If, however, you just can’t stand your TV’s flat sound when gaming or watching a flick then it might interest you.  [Read more…]

3 Free Tools for Digital Productivity

Cloud networking for success

The age of the cloud is officially upon us, and as ominous as people may believe that to be, for a guy on the move it’s actually a good thing.  [Read more…]

High Key Finance: Thomson Reuters Eikon Tokyo Street Campaign

Thomson Reuters Eiko street campaign, TokyoOut to today to take some shots of our Thomson Reuters street team in action at Tokyo station. We’re promoting the new Eikon financial product with chances to win a seat on the eco-friendly new vehicle that will vie for the land speed record in reaching the South Pole in December. And one iPad[Read more…]

Why The New Twitter Design Requires Brands To Think

twitter-2010-03-20The “new” Twitter was rolled out only last month, and I’m sure this redesign reflects the fact that a majority of Twittererers out there don’t actually log in and use the Twitter site anymore. The more mainstream microblogging becomes, the more people prefer to use stand alone desktop clients and mobile apps like HootSuite or TweetDeck (or any others in a long line of concatenated social media management brand names) to do what they need to do as quickly as possible.  [Read more…]