Jan. 18, 2019: WWII-ish, Olympic Scandal, All Abeard, Cute Idol Health and Kimono Attack.

In this week’s news from Japan Today: The Russian foreign minister asks why Japan can’t accept the outcome of World War II; a French investigators accuse Japanese Olympic Committee president of bribery in order to land the event in Tokyo in 2020; two men win a lawsuit against Osaka city banning train drivers from having beards; a Japanese idol singer says mental health an issue for fetishized young girls in pop groups plus a man in Tokyo has been arrested for attacking a young women’s kimono on Coming of Age Day — with sauce.


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This weeks stories:

WWII-ish — https://japantoday.com/category/politics/Lavrov-asks-why-Japan-cannot-accept-results-of-World-War-II

Olympic Scandal — https://japantoday.com/category/crime/japan-olympic-official-takeda-denies-corruption-allegations

All Abeard! — https://japantoday.com/category/national/osaka-subway-drivers-win-court-case-over-right-to-grow-beards

Cute Idol Health — https://japantoday.com/category/entertainment/There-are-many-mentally-unwell-girls-in-AKB48-claims-ex-member

TELL Counseling — https://telljp.com/

Kimono Attack — https://japantoday.com/category/crime/man-arrested-for-throwing-sauce-on-young-woman%E2%80%99s-kimono-on-coming-of-age-day

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