7D Magic Lantern Time-Lapse

ML Yokohama TIme-Lapse StillI finally put Magic Lantern on my Canon 7D after humming and hawing about it for over a year. So today on my way home, I stopped off at Zou-no-Hana Park to take a quick, unplaneed timelapse.

The main reason I wanted to put Magic Lantern on my 7D—apart from some audio capabilities for shooting video—was the intervalometer function. It seems like a function that should be commonplace on any camera better than a point-and-shoot—especially a higher-end DSLR. It’s really just a timer that allows you to set intervals to take photos automatically—for example, one shot every five seconds—without having to press the shutter. YOu can buy intervalometers at Yodobashi Camera (or online at Amazon, BH, etc.—for $40 to $160, depending on what your after. On the low end they are just basic timers that plug into your cameras input while the higher spec ones are wireless (so there is nothing hanging from the camera body) with an array of funtions. The beauty of Magic Lantern is that once running on your Canon DSLR (it supports models 550D, 50D, 60D, 5D etc.) it adds an intervalometer!


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